
我们必须大胆地向前迈进,以保留和发展一支强大的师资队伍, 工作人员, and Board of Trustees; diversify and expand income streams beyond revenue generated through tuition; and significantly enhance technology and campus facilities. 通过工厂和技术投资, the University conveys that it is a quality institution focused on the student of the future; this will create an aesthetic experience for students that will strengthen 招生 and contribute to marketing efforts. Strong and effective governance will be more important than ever to address the challenges 十大网络彩票平台大全 and all universities will face as society rebounds from the COVID-19 crisis and addresses significant issues around racial justice and equity. Telling our authentic story grounded in the commitment to “Family” will support new and stronger fundraising, 为年度捐赠的增长做出贡献, 提高对新生的吸引力, 专注于营销策略.

A. We will brand the distinct and transformative aspects of a 十大网络彩票平台大全 education to distinguish the “Culture of Family” through stronger alumni engagement, 金融支持, 招收新生.

  • Create new programs that cultivate all students to be supportive of the University while they are here and to be engaged and lifelong supporters of the University as alumni.
  • 培养校友对大学的自豪感和终身忠诚, in part through foundational experiences that recognize and affirm alumni and provide opportunities to celebrate alumni accomplishments. Celebrate and communicate how the University is adding value to the degrees it already conferred.
  • Identify and build upon opportunities that offer the best chance to bring students and alumni together for mutually satisfying outcomes that might include networking, 指导, 以及其他用于交互的共享事件, 庆祝活动, 和协作.
  • 建立一个创新的外展计划,在各级建立捐助者基础, re-engage disconnected alumni and increase trustee involvement as ambassadors and friend-raisers.
  • Grow the University’s annual fund to a percentage of the University operating budget that is consistent with industry standards.
  • Ensure the University becomes “campaign ready” so that the necessary resources to implement the strategic vision can be secured.
  • 为聘任教授职位寻求财政支持, 院长职, 椅子为教学和研究提供额外的支持.

B. 我们将加强和扩大数据驱动决策和透明度.

  • Build institutional capacity for collecting data needed for analysis and decision-making and use data strategically in all significant university decisions.
  • 建立HFU运用数据创造持续改进文化的能力.
  • Ensure data reliability and quality as well as use of standard definitions and calculation methods; enhance data visualization capacity for clarity and to promote transparency.

C. 我们将提高教师,员工和受托人的卓越.

  • Annually allocate professional development funds sufficient to support faculty and 工作人员 in expanding their knowledge and skills in strategically identified areas.
  • 确定并支持教职员工参加关键的领导力发展项目.
  • Invest in Board development to ensure best practices in governance and advancing trustees’ knowledge of current higher education issues.
  • Increase commitment to faculty scholarship and accelerate faculty engagement of students in their 研究.
  • 建立一个项目,吸引杰出的十大网络彩票平台大全到学校短期学习.

D. 我们会改善校园设施,提升学生的整体体验, 支持学术规划, 学生生活, 招生, 社区参与.

  • Develop a 5-year plan for implementing recommendations from the Master Plan with priority given to student-centered areas including the Dining Hall, 休息室, 公共区域.
  • Research and plan for the “classroom of the future” by establishing standards to be implemented for a variety of classroom types. 同时考虑校园和在线课堂的需求.
  • Achieve the optimal level of technology needed for student learning and efficient business operations and allocate annual budget to ensure ongoing support.
  • Focus on “curb appeal” that conveys the strength of the University and reflects its Catholic heritage.
  • Identify ways to develop new sources of income from campus facilities through increased community access.

E. 我们将通过最佳治理实践加强十大网络彩票平台大全的领导地位.

  • Establish best practices for board committees and support the governance committee to strengthen the Board through future appointments, 评估, 最佳实践.
  • Strengthen the ways in which Board will be engaged in strategic and innovative conversations in partnership with the administration to move the University forward.
  • Engage the faculty more fully in their governance structures to incentivize innovative thinking around curriculum, 学院对外服务, 以及主要的校园问题.
  • Involve students in an appropriate way to incorporate their voices on board and faculty committees.
  • 确保所有治理机构运用从最近的全球大流行病中吸取的"经验教训", 全球对种族不公正和不平等的反应, and any future transformative dynamic in their deliberations around educational and administrative policies
  • 和实践.

F. We will support all the initiatives in this plan through a carefully designed marketing and communications plan.

  • Re-imagine and implement a new public image of 十大网络彩票平台大全 through the lens of our commitment to a Culture of Family as a point of differentiation and distinction.
  • 战略营销十大网络彩票平台大全作为一个高品质, 合理价格, 关系驱动的机构,为学生准备有意义的生活和职业生涯.
  • 促进教师和他们的教学的优势和属性, 研究, and expertise; our campus-community connections; our relationships with a strong alumni network through integrated messaging campaigns.